Semi-regularly I'll be posting about what is inspiring me. Got something for me to consider? Send me a note!
Click on the hyperlinks in purple to go straight to that person's blog or web site and get lost in their stories!
This is what's inspiring me now:
This blog: The Simple Wife
Suggested by my friend Kim who went to high school with Joanne, this blog is jam packed with inspiration. Early entries feature lots of wisdom and practical advice for growing closer to God. I also found the entries from the last year compelling as Joanne and her husband chronicled her stroke and how it's affected their lives. I love the authenticity of her writing. I also bought one of her pre-stroke books, Living Simply: Choosing Less in a World of More, and I can't wait to finish up the six books I'm mid-way through and get my claws on this one!
This woman: Jill Savage
Founder of Hearts at Home and mom to five, this amazing woman is an author and speaker who evangelizes to women -- specifically, moms. I was awed when on stage in front of more than 6,000 women yesterday at the national Hearts and Home conference she confessed that her husband abandoned her and her children eight weeks ago. In the midst of the most difficult season of her entire life, she practiced what she preaches -- and she shared her story. Next time I'm not sure whether to be authentic in what I write, I'll remember Jill and hopefully have the courage to keep it "real." Please pray for Jill, as her husband has "made a U-turn" and is trying to make things right with his family.
This man: Dave Ramsey
His program Financial Peace University changed our lives. We don't always do everything Dave Ramsey says, but his practical advice on a variety of financial and legal topics have helped us gain control and in turn -- PEACE. No money fights in our home anymore; our marriage has never been better than in the years since we took FPU. This class is for everyone -- learn to win with money every time! Dan and I are getting ready to lead the class for teenagers and college students. This is the best investment of time a teen can make....I promise! The link above goes to a recent newsletter from DR with great tips on how to get out of debt.
This video: Nick and Nino's
Josh Hester creates amazing videos and this latest one is no exception. I love the way the music enhances the imagery, and I LOVE, LOVE the last shot. :)
It's only 30 seconds but perfectly produced...check it out at this link: Learn more about Josh by clicking on Nick and Nino's above.
This photo:

So I was going through old photo files and came across this. Sure, I'm the biased mom, but I adore so many elements of this photo. The seamstress had just finished making the dress -- a replica of my sister's wedding dress for Abby to be the miniature bride. Abby was gross -- stinky and dirty from playing outside, but she wanted to try it on so badly. And to be honest, I wanted her to try it on so badly! I made her wash her hands first, and then hold the dress up so she didn't get grass stains on it.
I love how the dress made her feel special and even though she'd just been digging for worms, you wouldn't know it! The look on her face says it all -- I can tell how much she feels loved to get to wear this dress and be a part of Jamie's special day. I love the blue sky, our tree in the background, the way the setting sun lit up her skin making it golden. And I loved the chipped green nail polish on her thumbs. Most of all, I am head over heels about the subject!
This story: New Addition!
My friend Tina's sister has an amazing story to tell this week. She brought a baby boy home from the hospital. Twice before she said good-bye to babies who never made it home from the hospital. Read about what made this time different, and be sure to read older posts so the context of this moment has full meaning. Grab a'll need it. Congratulations to Kara and Reid!
Praying for you to have an inspired weekend full of love!
This story: New Addition!
My friend Tina's sister has an amazing story to tell this week. She brought a baby boy home from the hospital. Twice before she said good-bye to babies who never made it home from the hospital. Read about what made this time different, and be sure to read older posts so the context of this moment has full meaning. Grab a'll need it. Congratulations to Kara and Reid!
Praying for you to have an inspired weekend full of love!
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