I am earnestly still wrapping my head around this.
Apparently God didn't get the memo that I'm not a girly-girl. I don't like spas. I used to, but my feet are gross. Pedicures make me uncomfortable. Pampering myself makes me feel selfish. Spas are extravagant, and the world needs less of this. There are starving children, and I am doing a spa.What. The. Heck.
Yep. This is EXACTLY what God has called me to do. I'm so glad I've been doing the Experiencing God study and that I've been open to hear His voice. Because a part of me wants to tell God to take this idea and shove it.
Last night, my sweet daughter told me she wants to be a missionary in Britain. Because she's fascinated with Britain. She loves everything about books and movies set there, and she adores the accent and landscape. She so wants to live there. We gently stroked her hair, told her we loved her and then laughed!
"Honey, God doesn't always call us EXACTLY where we want to go just because that's where we want to go."
"What? But I want to go somewhere that doesn't require shots."
We chuckled some more and explained that shots are sometimes necessary, even to do some of the things we want right here in the United States.
I told her, again, the story of how I let go of my full-time job because God wanted to find me with open arms. He wanted to speak to me about how He was going to use me, and I needed to drop what was in my hands to receive what He wanted to place there.
And yet, I kept trying to pick up everything I could get near.
After He sent me on a short-term mission trip to Sierra Leone, which I loved, I thought surely I would be a missionary journalist. I would LOVE that — traveling, photographing and writing about people all over the world. Heck yes!
Fundraising for missions?
A different type of photography?
Other kinds of artwork?
And then God said...a magazine for teen girls.
How about a magazine for moms?
And when I finally said yes, He gave me everything I needed. Much of it I already had: a passion for teens, the ability to design a magazine, the desire to start my own magazine (going back eight years) and experience of having already launched a magazine.
My hesitation was the who. I liked being around teens. But I hardly felt qualified to be a leader. Indeed, I wasn't. But God is working on qualifying me! All He wanted was my Yes and He's taking care of the rest.
Now I'm falling in love with everything about what I get to do.
Even the spa.
At the end of summer, we were on the cusp of new adventures: the start of homeschool and volunteering at a local homeless shelter of sorts. And we got to have a visit with family on Labor Day weekend.
My kids and their cousin wanted to play spa. At first, grandma was against this "messy" idea. But like I sometimes do, I went behind her back and let them. We decided to do it outside so that water spills wouldn't be an issue. We found an old tub and soap and filled it with warm water. Grandma even decided to donate some of her tools to the cause.
Everyone in the house, man and woman and even great-grandma, visited the spa. It was the talk of the town! The kids enjoyed it (and the tips they ended up getting) and didn't feel like they were "serving" but simply enjoyed making other people happy.
Here they are hard at work:
About six weeks later, my friend Jan gave us a treat at a Mighty Strong Girls board retreat. A little spa pampering and devotion. It was an amazing experience that involved relaxation, love and the Holy Spirit. I was so moved by her sense of service and the tremendous impression the experience had on my life and relationship with the Lord!
Not long after, the kids and I were volunteering at the homeless shelter — Inner City Mission — and after we left I was deep in prayer. My daughter had connected with a resident — a woman who was clearly in a rough spot. Someone I was, much as I hate to admit, trying hard to ignore. Because I could tell it would be messy and broken, and frankly I didn't want to be involved.
But Abby wasn't afraid. Our visit got extended by two hours so we could simply hang out with her and her son.
Not long after, God put it on my heart that we needed to do something for her and the other ladies there. Something to show them how loved they are, something to pamper them.
I thought about the two spas, and I knew (as I cringed) then and there God wanted us to do a spa. I told Abby, and she (as I cringed) LOVED it.
From there, it snowballed. Clearly God's plan, He brought all the people to form a team. An awesome meal was donated, prepared and served by volunteers. Teen girls with Mighty Strong Girls served alongside Jan. And get this, Jan's spa doesn't include a foot soak, but I got the sense that God wanted that to be a part of it, kinda like Jesus washing the disciples' feet. I had a woman, Crystal, whom I hardly know message me and ask if she could donate like 20 foot soaks to the ministry. Um....OK! Isn't it so cool how God brings us all together to do His work? I was amazed by it all! My husband, son and other families stepped up to provide daycare back at the house so the women could enjoy the pampering.
So there is was. Spas. God's work. Not what I wanted. But what He wanted. It was time for me to get out of His way!
As all of this is unfolding, I was struggling with this upcoming mission trip. I know God wants us to go. I knew He didn't want us creating a big plan. I know the purpose of our trip is to experience Him and to listen to the people there. All of that is hard enough for me, since I like to have a plan. I want to know my purpose long in advance.
But I also knew God wanted us to do something for our friends living and serving there. I was entertaining a lot of ideas that God was shooting down.
Then the spa occurred to me.
Really? In Africa? A spa?
But this is Jan's thing? These are her words. I can't possibly do this. It's hers, not mine!
And then it occurred to me, my dear friend Jan would love to go on this trip but isn't able to. It's like she'll be there with me. How cool is that! When I finally accepted that I will be doing a spa, I relaxed and prayed. Then God gave me the words to share to make the spa complete.
I'm scared and nervous and anxious. Because the mission trip I envisioned was full of work and photography and videos and projects to help our missionary friends. I don't feel equipped to do this trip.
That is exactly why I know it's from God. He says, Yes. You can.
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