A journalist/writer/photographer by trade, God called me to walk away from a lucrative public relations career in early 2012 to stay home with my family. He sent me to Sierra Leone (Africa) to serve missionary friends who needed stories and photos for their website and marketing. My time there was a blessing as these friends are gifted in helping people use their spiritual gifts and seek God's call on how to use them to serve Him. So I came home and waited to see what God would have me do. In June 2012, He called me to start a counter-culture magazine and ministry for preteen/teen girls. It would help girls see true beauty, their value and identity in Christ, their power as a sisterhood of encouragers and world changers. And it exposes and educates them to global issues like HIV, poverty and trafficking. Part of the original vision of Mighty Strong Girls was to help women use trades in their cultures to escape the risks they face, but I didn't know exactly what that might look like.

The ministry off the ground, God then called my family to adopt. And when I discovered Trades of Hope, I fell in love with the stories behind the beautiful, handmade items. I knew this would be one way to raise money for our adoption. When I returned from a second visit to Sierra Leone in January 2014, I discovered the income I was expecting this spring wasn't going to come through: The class I was schedule to teach was cancelled. But I wasn't without hope since God had just called me to sign up for Trades of Hope!
How awesome is God to connect all the dots and allow me to be part of something to continue sharing the stories of girls? Not only giving them hope, but allowing me to have hope through His plan for my life.
Now you are here and you are part of that plan, too. By supporting my Trades of Hope store, you are lifting up my family and allowing women around the world to see their dreams of a better life fulfilled.
With sincere gratitude for your support,
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