I watched a girl's "story" unfold on Saturday night at the Edward Jones Dome, the $280 million stadium where the St. Louis Rams play football.
The display of sexuality left me speechless, which isn't easy.
First, it was literally IMPOSSIBLE not to notice the video. All four 8- and 9-year-old boys sitting between my husband and I could hardly take their eyes off the screen all night. They are boys. They LOVE screens. It was the first thing one of them noticed when we sat down.
Using Google, I learned that Edward Jones Dome's JumboTron is a Sony (there are two), standing 20 feet high and 26 feet wide. The system is big, colorful and LOUD. And the videos are extremely professionally executed to grab and keep your attention.
It was there that I watched one of the 28 Rams' cheerleaders tell her "story." The series of videos on the cheerleaders is called "Meet _______ (fill in girl's name)."
This is what I learned in the video: Her name and where she goes to school. Plus, how she felt about the location and suit she wore in the calendar photo shoot.
What I saw was this: A TON of skin, cleavage and more of a girl than ought to be seen at a "family-friendly" football game. In fact, her suit was skin-colored on the top with a bit of red fringe. So it actually looked from a distance like she was topless. From poses to clothing (there was some footage of the cheerleaders helping rebuild homes in Oklahoma, wearing next to nothing there, too), it appeared she was "offering" herself to the viewer. It was INCREDIBLY sexual. I hesitate to describe more, because it's not appropriate even to write about, let alone see! This short clip was nothing short of soft-core porn.
It made me sad for my children — both my son and daughter — because it's such a mangled mess of messages they have to sift through in their generation to avoid being contaminated by the lies we are fed by the media. Pornography addiction will grow, relationships will be damaged, girls and boys will be broken.
I also felt sad for the girl in the video, because I am sure her story is more interesting than her body. But the 33,000+ fans there on Saturday will never know it, nor will the others who see her video online. She is simply portrayed to be enjoyed. A thing. An object.
I went online and viewed a couple others to see if this was the exception. In one case, the viewer doesn't even hear the girl's voice in the first 20 seconds of her two-minute video. It's just images. Then I clicked on the 22-minute video featuring one of the football players. His story, his voice comes on immediately. And he's not talking about how he feels about his uniform or a photo shoot.
I wasn't sure if I was more angry or sad. Both probably. Sickened for sure. Perfectly convicted that we would never take our son to another pro football game (I sure hope there won't ever be cheerleaders at baseball games!!).
The thought struck me...I wonder if this girl, or so many other girls know they are being reduced to men's "playthings" and fantasies right in the presence of women and children. (Please don't be haters of girls who participate in this behavior...many are so broken and confused by the world we live in!) So many girls fall for the lie that all that really matters is her exterior shell. So many have been taught to believe that their story is their physical appearance. So many are crushed by expectations that can never be. The reality is that most girls' bodies were never designed to look or move or pose in these impossible ways because it was never the intent of the Creator who lovingly made them to be more than the sum of their outside parts. (Psalm 139)
It made me sad that in our world, in less than three minutes, more than 30,000 people heard THIS story. And not the stories of Morgan, Amanda, Gabby, Rachel, Breanna, Deanna and Madeline — a few of the girls whose stories are featured in the next issue of Mighty Strong Girls magazine. They aren't soundbites. They aren't objects. They are real girls with real aspirations and dreams. They are girls who already accomplished great things and are courageously inspiring other girls to do the same by graciously allowing me and the writers of Mighty Strong Girls to share their stories with anyone who is willing to hear!
In my humble opinion, there isn't a JumboTron big enough to feature their awesomeness. The reality is we struggle to get a few hundred copies of the magazine printed to celebrate this kind of story. Meanwhile, I cannot fathom the amount of money that goes into the wardrobe, photo shoots and video production for these 28 cheerleaders. To sell sex.
I was reassured yet again that God is on my side this morning. We know the growth of Mighty Strong Girls will be slow. We know it will be challenging. But we know it's God's will. (Among the verses I received this morning was Zecharaih 4:10, which says "Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin.")
I also have hope because amid the terrible mangled mess of brokenness are hearts that seek something more, something meaningful. I am so hopeful for my children's generation, that they will be the ones to become seekers — looking for the truths that only God can provide and spreading that hope like wildfire!
Right now, Mighty Strong Girls is still $554 away from being able to publish a small number of magazines for our Sept. 5 event where we will unveil the cover of our back-to-school issue of Mighty Strong Girls. We have a week of prayer to let God work on providing this amount!
My board has lovingly decided that if the money isn't in the account, the magazine isn't printed. They won't let me and my family incur more debt. And while we have enough monthly supporters to print the magazine, we also have other expenses like mileage, computer cartridges, postage, software, website upkeep. So we still need funds. $554 will allow us to print 150 copies; $774 will allow us to print 200 copies.
Can you help us? Even if you cannot give, you can help! Pray that God will provide this week so we can share wholesome, empowering girl stories to help rise up a confident generation of seekers. Pray for the work of Mighty Strong Girls. And pray for girls who don't know their value, that they would be convicted about the TRUTH of their beauty and worth.
If you can take a few minutes, meditate on the scriptures and prayer sent in the devotion that came from our prayer intercessor Linda O'Toole this morning:
Isaiah 41:10Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxious, look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand..
Isaiah 41:13For I am the LORD your God, who upholds your right hand, Who says to you, 'Do not fear, I will help you.'
Isaiah 54:4Fear not, for you will not be put to shame; Neither feel humiliated, for you will not be disgraced; But you will forget the shame of your youth, And the reproach of your widowhood you will remember no more.
Deuteronomy 31:6Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble at them, for the LORD your God is the one who goes with you. He will not fail you or forsake you.
A mighty roar is being released!
Let this company of strong women with integrity and love be released Lord, in Jesus name.
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