Thursday, September 4, 2014

Three things that changed my life

     It amazes me sometimes. 
     That it took me 40 years to realize a few nuggets that are the key to successful living. It's hard to admit it, but I find myself face palming over my lack of common sense. Probably it's more likely that I know, but I don't really want to live it out. 
     For years, I've been disappointed in my health, blaming all kinds of circumstances and people for my shortcomings and weaknesses (not eating right and not exercising enough, chiefly) that were exacerbating my medical and physical conditions. Something changed this summer. It was major. It was radical.
     But it was also kind of simple. Crazy simple. 
     It started on the inside, and the results are beginning to show on the outside, too. 
     Here are three things I did that transformed my life, in this order. The ordering is kind of important!
     1. I ACCEPTED ME. 
     I decided that I was enough for my husband and my children. That they loved me in spite of all my shortcomings. They loved me with the 30 or so extra pounds I was carrying. They loved me despite my headaches and the days I spent in bed because of them. They loved me even when I had major reactions to food and felt miserable. Not only that, but I decided if God could accept me, what was I waiting for? I accepted myself  as a child of God -- loved just where I was, flaws, imperfections and all. Because He does!
     It was simple. I looked in the mirror, and I made a choice. I WILL LOVE HER. I won't criticize or condemn. And really, why should I? Nobody else was. God wasn't. My husband has only been totally supportive and loving. He's never criticized me for how I look...ever! In fact, he's done nothing but the opposite. Praising me. Lifting me up. Loving me. Reminding me of how important I am, and loving every thing about how I look. I needed to adopt a perspective like my loving heavenly father and my husband on who I am. So I decided I needed to make it my choice, too. 

     2. I TRUSTED GOD. 
     I decided no matter what happened from that point on, I would trust it to God. He knows me. He knows best. I would hand over all the controls and the steering wheel, acknowledging that there is indeed very little I can control in the grand scheme of things. 
     I also figured that when it came to the changes I knew I needed to make, I wouldn't be able to make them on my own. I would need Him more than ever. He would have to be my source of strength. 
     Not long after, I saw Carolyn Twietmeyer post about her Isagenix journey -- again. I had already asked her about it in the past, but I was afraid. I didn't want the teen girls who are watching me to think I was looking for "lose weight fast" diet schemes. I didn't want a diet scheme myself. I didn't want a shortcut...been there done that, Weight Watchers and Slim Fast. 
     But I was constantly attracted to the message that Carolyn lifted herself up out of poor health to have the energy to raise a huge family using Isagenix products.  The feel-good, energy boosting, cleansing, healing, holistic part of her testimony was screaming out to me.
     I wanted REAL change. I wanted to feel good. I wanted to spend fewer days in bed every month. I wanted an end to pain. But I wanted it without taking missteps or shortcuts. Whatever I did, I wanted it to be nutritionally sound, organic and whole. I also didn't want to give up every good thing, because let's face it, God made food and it is GOOD! 
     After I had accepted myself and decided I would trust God, I was having a bad day with poor health when Carolyn posted about a 30-day Isagenix cleanse. I had some extra money from mileage reimbursement, and I was desperate. Desperate to be the wife and mother God created me to be. I prayed about it, and I knew in my heart that God was nudging me. 
     It's been about 70 days, and it's been an incredible journey! I completed the 30-day cleanse with no expectation for weight loss. I simply wanted to feel better. Isagenix exceeded my expectations in ways I am not sure I can ever fully express. I ended up losing 10 pounds the first month and 20.5 inches! I lost another 7 pounds since, and I cannot stop loving myself even more than I did before. I have muscle tone that I haven't seen since my early 20's! 
     I did my best with the cleanse, but I didn't do everything. And I didn't do it perfectly. That leads me to the last thing I committed to...

     About four years ago, I began reading my Bible daily. Little did I know that one decision would transform every aspect of my life. Practicing self discipline in staying in His word has spilled over into every facet of my life. I was establishing a track record with myself for being accountable and reliable. 
     Do I have bad days? Yes, and I KNOW sometimes routine becomes routine with no real impact. I have recently added deliberate morning prayer to my daily routine, and that has helped my heart stay in all things. I will still have bad days, but I know that because I am trusting God (see No. 2), I can forgive myself and get back on track. 
     Perhaps the strangest thing about Isagenix is drinking meals. It was a hard adjustment for me to make. My jaws wanted to move. I craved the chewing motion, the crunching, the texture of food. But I trusted God and overcame. 
     The best part of Isagenix for me is that my gluten intolerance and general digestive problems can be avoided when I KNOW that my body will tolerate the shakes and other food products. And to top it off, I'm getting some of the very best nutrition at every meal, and I don't have to think about what I can eat and then go to great lengths to prepare an inconvenient meal in an already busy schedule. 
     I drink a shake at one or two meals daily. My family always eats dinner together -- a dinner without processed ingredients or sugar or gluten. It's not too far off from what we ate before, but a lot less cheese and casserole types of dishes. More filling fibers and proteins. It's usually chicken, fish or beef with steamed vegetables, rice or potatoes and fruit. 
     I decided that the cost of not doing this exceeds the price tag of buying Isagenix. Yes, it's expensive, but I am more than worth it! I HAVE to be in the best physical, emotional, mental and spiritual condition to do the things God has called me to do -- be a wife, a mom, a leader with Mighty Strong Girls and simply to be His child. 
     Isagenix is a nutritionally sound investment in my health. I never would have known if I hadn't had the courage to try it, to give it my all and trust God. If it weren't for Carolyn sharing, I would still be having more miserable days than good days. I'm so thankful to her, and now I'm preparing to help others enroll so that they can feel the JOY that I have from losing weight and fueling my body with the best food product I have found!

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