Monday, May 14, 2012

Get your idea to the marketplace!

I want to be inspired to follow through, to be determined, to not be persuaded by negative voices. I want to commit these thoughts to memory this week. They were reminders offered wisely and concisely in this book , and so I'm sharing as a way to remind myself of the power behind these specific words for me and to encourage you. If you want to read more, the book is The Legend of the Monk and the Merchant by Terry Felber. A very quick, very good read that holds 12 keys to successful (Biblical) living. I read it in sections throughout one day. 

Here are two excerpts: 

p. 48
"There are a lot of great ideas. But if we allow the negative influences of others to stop us, then we will never accomplish anything. The truth is, most people are always 'waiting to begin,' but few ever actually get on the pathway of success."

"Yes, but if God wants you to succeed, won't he bless you regardless of what you do?"

"That is one of  the great misunderstandings that we often have of God. You see, God does want to bless us. But he will only bless what we actually put our hands to. God wants us to seek his guidance and then work hard. In fact, Paul once said that if a man doesn't work, he shouldn't eat. Those are pretty strong words. But God wants us to understand the importance of diligence."

p. 63-64
"It's true that some people see wealth or resources as a single pie. They think if someone gets too big of a piece, then there won't be enough left for anyone else. It's just not true. You see, unlike this one pie, God's resources are infinite. And his will is to prosper us, so that we can in turn help expand his kingdom here on earth. God can make as many pies as he pleases."

The Legend of the Monk and the Merchant: Principles for Successful Living  -     
        By: Terry Felber

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